Altar Guild
The basic motivation for serving in the Altar Guild or in any other work of the church is showing gratitude to God.
Members of the Altar Guild for 2017 are:
Kelly Beirl, Gloria Danula, Tracy Martinez, Marne Belanger, Lynn Faulkner, Wendy Murphy, Cheryl Follis, Marlyce Olson, Jane Cook, Gail Jenicek, Audrey Swedberg, Dona Copperud, Carla Kedrowski, and Sally Toepfer
Members of the Altar Guild are grateful servants: ministers of God, God’s people and of the worship space.
Things used in worship should be appropriate both to the time of the liturgical year and to the service being used. Dona Copperud shares her talent decorating the chancel area, the narthex and the nave with liturgically appropriate enhancements bringing added beauty and meaning to our worship services.
Some of the responsibilities of the members beyond preparing the Lord’s Table include: changing of the paraments to coincide with the church year calendar; having the candles ready for each service; changing the sanctuary light; the care of the assistant liturgist’s, pastor’s and acolytes’ albs, arranging the flowers and plants, preparing for baptisms, making the bread for communion and purchasing wine and candles.
Thank you –
Altar Guild members who faithfully prepare for the services - on Sundays and for special services.
All of Messiah’s members who have purchased or donated flowers throughout the year or given money in memory of, or in honor of loved ones during the Christmas and Easter seasons.
Tim and John Cook for hanging up and taking down the arch roping at Christmas.
Bless us, O God, with a reverent sense of your presence, that we may be at peace and may worship and serve you with all our mind and spirit, through Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior. Amen.
Respectfully Submitted,
Co-chairpersons: Gail Jenicek, Audrey Swedberg
Secretary: Jane Cook
Members of the Altar Guild for 2017 are:
Kelly Beirl, Gloria Danula, Tracy Martinez, Marne Belanger, Lynn Faulkner, Wendy Murphy, Cheryl Follis, Marlyce Olson, Jane Cook, Gail Jenicek, Audrey Swedberg, Dona Copperud, Carla Kedrowski, and Sally Toepfer
Members of the Altar Guild are grateful servants: ministers of God, God’s people and of the worship space.
Things used in worship should be appropriate both to the time of the liturgical year and to the service being used. Dona Copperud shares her talent decorating the chancel area, the narthex and the nave with liturgically appropriate enhancements bringing added beauty and meaning to our worship services.
Some of the responsibilities of the members beyond preparing the Lord’s Table include: changing of the paraments to coincide with the church year calendar; having the candles ready for each service; changing the sanctuary light; the care of the assistant liturgist’s, pastor’s and acolytes’ albs, arranging the flowers and plants, preparing for baptisms, making the bread for communion and purchasing wine and candles.
Thank you –
Altar Guild members who faithfully prepare for the services - on Sundays and for special services.
All of Messiah’s members who have purchased or donated flowers throughout the year or given money in memory of, or in honor of loved ones during the Christmas and Easter seasons.
Tim and John Cook for hanging up and taking down the arch roping at Christmas.
Bless us, O God, with a reverent sense of your presence, that we may be at peace and may worship and serve you with all our mind and spirit, through Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior. Amen.
Respectfully Submitted,
Co-chairpersons: Gail Jenicek, Audrey Swedberg
Secretary: Jane Cook