Generations in Faith Together (GIFT)
Annual Report
2016 has been another great year for our WWW program. The Youth Ministry Team (YMT) meets almost monthly to oversee youth events. The team members include all teachers plus John Gary. Anyone else is always welcome to attend these meetings. Please let Pastor Nancy know if you would like to join in the planning of youth ministry. Teachers include:
Angele Gruebele with Sr. High youth
Robert Arquette-New Testament to seven confirmation students.
Pastor Nancy-6th graders
Mary Skerik – 4th & 5th graders
Linda Coleman – 3rd graders
Bonni Gary – 1st & 2nd graders
Edith Machalski - 3 year olds to Kindergarten (Jamie Cook taught earlier this year)
Substitutes: Tracy Martinez and Marne Belanger
After many years, Ken Belanger retired from being the head WWW cook. We are grateful that Ken comes out of retirement at times. He and Ryan Pederson grilled for the WWW end of the year May cook-out, the Vacation Bible School party, and the Intergenerational Carnival, all at Memorial Park. Bob Leis has now taken over the coordination and cooking of the WWW meals plus his team of helpers. Be sure to thank all of these wonderfully dedicated volunteers! The main kitchen helpers include Mary Skerik, Angel Grubele, John Gary, David Emch, Christian Martinez, Mark Maki and many more.
The youth raised $250 to buy animals through The Heifer Project. They had their annual Talent Show fundraiser in April. Many youth attended Luther Park Bible Camp for the one night event during the school year. Fourteen youth attended LPBC this past summer.
In the WWW curriculum called WHIRL from Augsburg, youth learn the Bible stories that will also be used the upcoming Sunday from the lectionary. Thank you to all who are supporting this Wednesday night group. We continue to ask people of all ages to come on Wednesdays. If you don’t make any other Wednesday night, please plan to attend on Wed. Feb. 8. Asst. to the Bishop, Laurie Skow Anderson will lead a cross generational edu-worship experience starting with a 5:30 supper. We continue to find ways to experience the wonder of the child and the wisdom of the elder together.
Thank you for your ideas, prayers and support. Love in Christ, Pastor Nancy
2016 has been another great year for our WWW program. The Youth Ministry Team (YMT) meets almost monthly to oversee youth events. The team members include all teachers plus John Gary. Anyone else is always welcome to attend these meetings. Please let Pastor Nancy know if you would like to join in the planning of youth ministry. Teachers include:
Angele Gruebele with Sr. High youth
Robert Arquette-New Testament to seven confirmation students.
Pastor Nancy-6th graders
Mary Skerik – 4th & 5th graders
Linda Coleman – 3rd graders
Bonni Gary – 1st & 2nd graders
Edith Machalski - 3 year olds to Kindergarten (Jamie Cook taught earlier this year)
Substitutes: Tracy Martinez and Marne Belanger
After many years, Ken Belanger retired from being the head WWW cook. We are grateful that Ken comes out of retirement at times. He and Ryan Pederson grilled for the WWW end of the year May cook-out, the Vacation Bible School party, and the Intergenerational Carnival, all at Memorial Park. Bob Leis has now taken over the coordination and cooking of the WWW meals plus his team of helpers. Be sure to thank all of these wonderfully dedicated volunteers! The main kitchen helpers include Mary Skerik, Angel Grubele, John Gary, David Emch, Christian Martinez, Mark Maki and many more.
The youth raised $250 to buy animals through The Heifer Project. They had their annual Talent Show fundraiser in April. Many youth attended Luther Park Bible Camp for the one night event during the school year. Fourteen youth attended LPBC this past summer.
In the WWW curriculum called WHIRL from Augsburg, youth learn the Bible stories that will also be used the upcoming Sunday from the lectionary. Thank you to all who are supporting this Wednesday night group. We continue to ask people of all ages to come on Wednesdays. If you don’t make any other Wednesday night, please plan to attend on Wed. Feb. 8. Asst. to the Bishop, Laurie Skow Anderson will lead a cross generational edu-worship experience starting with a 5:30 supper. We continue to find ways to experience the wonder of the child and the wisdom of the elder together.
Thank you for your ideas, prayers and support. Love in Christ, Pastor Nancy
Share Your Time, Talents, and Treasures!Messiah Lutheran Church could not exist with-out the dedication of count-less volunteers.
Volunteers are always needed. Whether you want a short-term or long-term commitment, there is a place for you. If you would like to help, please talk with Dede or Linda. If you would like to volunteer for other endeavors within the church, please talk with Pastor Nancy. |