All Are Welcome!
Messiah is a Reconciling in Christ Congregation- since 2015!

Here's a riddle: What's old and new?
Answer: Messiah’s welcoming and diverse family!
Messiah has always extended an open and loving welcome to all. And a few years ago we became even more committed to this welcoming nature by becoming a "Reconciling In Christ" congregation. We joined a larger community of churches who reach out to those who have felt left out. Our adopted welcoming statement reads, "We welcome people of every age, color, culture, and political persuasion, every sexual orientation and gender identity, socio-economic status and ability as we celebrate together our unity in Christ." So that is our identity and our tradition. That is the “old.”
The "new" part is that now we have a group of church members who are working to bring forward our commitment to welcoming diversity in new ways. In April we showed part of the National Geographic film, "Gender Revolution" and invited a neighbor, Carri Hoagland, to share her personal story of discovering her transgender identity. We also attended the April meeting of PFLAG where Pastor Nancy was awarded Person of the Year by that group for her work on diversity in our local communities. In June we plan to help with the annual Chicken Dinner fund-raising Sunday by working on a special celebratory service that will intentionally reach out to invite community members to join us!
So again, "What's old and new?" Messiah's tradition and Messiah's re-emphasis of Christ's message of
love and acceptance. Let's celebrate! ~Ginny Pedersen, RIC Committee