Finance and Stewardship Committee
2016 Annual Report
2016 was a busy year for the Finance & Stewardship Committee. The committee’s main goal is to lead efforts to ensure the stability of the church. With that in mind, we worked to:
• secure the best options for the Church’s investments.
• begin streamlining the Church’s financial reporting systems.
• take a critical look at the budget and future needs of the Church.
• implement two new fund raisers to help with the operating budget. The two new fund raisers, the garage sale and the Heavenly raffle, netted the Church $2,000.00 to use for operational expenses.
The efforts of the committee would not have happened without YOU. Congregational members need to be recognized for their volunteer efforts and financial contributions. These are essential for the overall financial stability of the Church.
Though we made many positive strives in 2016, the year’s budget ended in the red, as outlined in the budget report in this document. As a community, we will need to continue to look for ways to balance the budget each year. In 2017, we will reach out to members for ideas to reach this goal.
Respectfully Submitted by Dede Maki
Finance & Stewardship Committee Members
Cheryl Follis
Keith Holm
Dede Maki
Tom Murphy
Jim Pedersen
2016 was a busy year for the Finance & Stewardship Committee. The committee’s main goal is to lead efforts to ensure the stability of the church. With that in mind, we worked to:
• secure the best options for the Church’s investments.
• begin streamlining the Church’s financial reporting systems.
• take a critical look at the budget and future needs of the Church.
• implement two new fund raisers to help with the operating budget. The two new fund raisers, the garage sale and the Heavenly raffle, netted the Church $2,000.00 to use for operational expenses.
The efforts of the committee would not have happened without YOU. Congregational members need to be recognized for their volunteer efforts and financial contributions. These are essential for the overall financial stability of the Church.
Though we made many positive strives in 2016, the year’s budget ended in the red, as outlined in the budget report in this document. As a community, we will need to continue to look for ways to balance the budget each year. In 2017, we will reach out to members for ideas to reach this goal.
Respectfully Submitted by Dede Maki
Finance & Stewardship Committee Members
Cheryl Follis
Keith Holm
Dede Maki
Tom Murphy
Jim Pedersen