40th Anniversary Events
April 21, 2013 - Anniversary Kick OffChurch service will begin at 10:00am this morning. Our guest Preacher for the morning service will be ELCA Assistant to the Bishop, Amy Odgren. Following the service there will be a Potluck in the Church basement. Would you like to make your favorite Potluck dish? Sign up at Church or contact one of the Anniversary Committee members. Volunteers for service and cleanup are welcome. Sign up at Church. Come check out historical photos covering Messiah's last 40 years.
Saturday, June 22, 2013 - Scandinavian Treats Cooking ClassIf you have ever wanted to learn how to make all kinds of
Scandinavian treats this is your chance. Joan Bratley and Jan Bergman will be hosting a Baking Day for those who want to try some hands-on Scandinavian Baking. They will make Swedish skorpor (cardamom toast), Krumkake, Sandbakkelse, and Fattigman. We hope to start about 10 am, bake until noon, pause for a sack lunch, and bake until about 2pm. Those who would like to take part can come for all or part of a day, and other than a few for tasting, our baked goods will be served at our Service and Picnic in the Park the next day.The class will be held in the church kitchen. The first class will start at 9:00 a.m. and end by noon. The second class begins at 12:30 p.m. and will conclude by 3:00 p.m. If you will be attending both classes, bring a sack lunch. Call the church office to sign up. Sunday, June 23, 2012 - Summer Service in the Park NOTICE: Location change. Weather forces relocating the service and picnic to the church.Church service will begin at 10:00 a.m. Our guest Preacher for the service will be Pastor Ron Hanson. At 11:30 a.m we will serve our annual Chicken Dinner complete will all the fixings. Our volunteer chefs will be cooking on the grill. We will have wonderful Scandinavian desserts prepared the day before for you to enjoy. There will be an Anniversary Group picture taken of everyone attending this event. Please bring the whole family. Bring a dish to pass if you like. Also bring your own plate and silverware as we are trying to go "Green" this year. You might also want to bring a lawn chair and depending on the weather a blanket. See you there.
August 3, 2013, 3:00 p.m. LIFT Presentation"What is God calling this church to be and do in the future?" and "What changes are in order to help us respond most faithfully?" A national ELCA task force led by Rev. Diane "Dee" Pederson had the charge to answer these two questions. The task force investigated
societal and economic changes of the 20+ years since the formation of the ELCA and looked at how those changes affect the governance of the ELCA. This task force conducted surveys and discussions on all levels of the church. All are welcome to Messiah Lutheran Church in Washburn on Saturday, August 3 at 3:00 pm to hear Rev. Diane "Dee" Pederson, an ELCA pastor and head of the LIFT Task Force discuss some of the findings. All who have a heart for the future of the church will find hope and great ideas for how we can all live into the future together! For more information call Messiah at 715 373-5378 August 4, 2013 - Final Anniversary CelebrationThe Sunday morning service will begin at 10:00 a.m. today at Messiah. Our special guest Preacher will be Rev. Dee (Haugen) Pederson. Along with Rev. Pederson, Rev. Kurt and La Mae Rohland will also be with us. Immediately following the service there will be a Pot Luck Dinner. Jimmy and Edi Thoreson have offered to let us use the Steak Pit for this final Anniversary Potluck event. Art Contest winners will be announced and prizes given this morning. We welcome everyone to help by making your favorite dish, or dessert. Messiah's Potluck's are always excellent! There will be wonderful homemade treats for everyone to enjoy.
Other Anniversary Projects
Photo Gallery
We will be collecting memorable photos tracing the past 40 years of Messiah's proud history. The photos will be on display in the Church
basement beginning on April 21, 2013. We know several of you have great pictures to share so please bring them to Church or you can email digital photos to [email protected] and we will post them on this site in the photo gallery. Make sure your name is on the photo's so we can return them to you in August. If you have any other items you'd like to share such as old church bulletins, brochures, cook books, etc., please bring them too.
basement beginning on April 21, 2013. We know several of you have great pictures to share so please bring them to Church or you can email digital photos to [email protected] and we will post them on this site in the photo gallery. Make sure your name is on the photo's so we can return them to you in August. If you have any other items you'd like to share such as old church bulletins, brochures, cook books, etc., please bring them too.
Church History and Anniversary Booklet
The Anniversary Committee is busy collecting stories about the merger to put in a commemorative Anniversary Book. We will also be interviewing several church members about their individual Messiah stories. There are several ways for you to share your Messiah Story. You can contact Shirley Haugen, [email protected], to set up an interview. You can fill click on the Messiah Memories button above which will take you to the online form, or there are printed forms available at Church. Please take a few minutes during coffee after church to share your Messiah Story. Also included in the Booklet will be some of our historical photographs and our kid's coloring contest pictures. We'd also like to include some of our member's favorite recipes that they have shared over the years. If you have a recipe to submit just write it out and give it to one of the church ushers or any of the Anniversary Committee members or you can post it here on the Share Your Story section of the web site.
Kids and Adult Coloring/Art Contest
2013 marks the 40th Anniversary of the establishment of Messiah Lutheran Church. Messiah is the result of a merger, or a coming together of two Washburn churches. One was Emanuel Lutheran primarily made up of Swedish members and the other was Christ Lutheran, a primarily Norwegian Church. It took several years for the merger to happen but it did happen. Two separate churches, two separate groups of people came together in Christ to form our Messiah Lutheran Church. The Anniversary Committee invites all of our Messiah children and adults to participate in our Coloring/Art Contest. What does Coming Together in Christ look like to you?
Age Contest Categories:
Under 7
8 - 12
13 – 17
18 and up
Entries must be submitted no later than July 16, 2013. Entries may be submitted to the church any time prior to the deadline date. Entries will be displayed in the church basement and/or published in the Messiah 40th Anniversary Booklet. Each person may submit up to three (3) entries. There will be one winner selected from each age category. Winners will recognized at the August 4 Final Anniversary event and will receive a $25.00 cash prize. Please submit a Coloring Contest Entry Form with each entry.
Age Contest Categories:
Under 7
8 - 12
13 – 17
18 and up
Entries must be submitted no later than July 16, 2013. Entries may be submitted to the church any time prior to the deadline date. Entries will be displayed in the church basement and/or published in the Messiah 40th Anniversary Booklet. Each person may submit up to three (3) entries. There will be one winner selected from each age category. Winners will recognized at the August 4 Final Anniversary event and will receive a $25.00 cash prize. Please submit a Coloring Contest Entry Form with each entry.